About Us

Who We Are

California Risk Management Authority (CRMA I) was established in 1982, to create an insurance JPA (joint powers authority) for school district property & liability coverage. Over the years the JPA has expanded into more diverse operations that include an aggressive Risk Management department. In 1998, CRMA II was formed to provide members with a self-insured workers’ compensation program.

CRMA I offers its members a property & liability plan that includes every necessary coverage. Some of the lines of coverage are: general liability, crime coverage, auto liability and physical damage, boiler and machinery, and school board legal liability. 

CRMA II maintains a workers’ compensation coverage at the Statutory Limits and utilizes a Third Party Administrator (TPA) for claims management. Both groups are closely monitored by a pro-active Risk Management program, which has helped our members to achieve and maintain a lower loss ratio. 

CRMA is able to offer competitive rates while providing personalized services to each member district and school site on our roster. 

California Risk Management Authority (CRMA I and II) is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of a Representative and Alternate Representative, who are appointed by each district’s Boards of Trustees. 

If we can be of service to your district, please contact our Administrator Alan Caeton at (559) 476-2999 or by email: acaeton@crma-jpa.org